Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Pacing Guide

U.S. History (8th grade)

3/30-4/3: Lesson 12, Sections 6-9 (pgs. 232-237)
4/6-4/10: Lesson 13 (pgs. 243-251)
4/13-4/17: Spring Break
4/20-4/24: Lesson 14 (pgs. 257-267)
4/27-5/1: Lesson 15 (pgs. 279-291)
5/4-5/8: Lesson 16 (pgs. 297-311)

World History (7th grade)

3/30-4/3: Lesson 39 (pgs. 555-563)
4/6-4/10: Lesson 40 (pgs. 565-575)
4/13-4/17: Spring Break
4/20-4/24:Lesson 15 (pgs. 215-221)
4/27-5/1: Lesson 16 (pgs. 223-231)
5/4-5/8: Lesson 17 (pgs. 233-241)

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Hey everyone!  I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe.  Many of you have been asking me for work while we are not at school but per mandates that is not possible.  However, history being what it is, there are countless books out there on the early presidencies that I would highly recommend getting a hold of and reading in your time off.  In addition, for U.S. History students, any book report of your choosing that you are able to complete on one of the first 8 presidents could earn you up to 40 points of extra credit for the current unit.  The same goes for World History students but instead of a U.S. President, you choose choose an early European explorer from the Age of Exploration.  Beyond that, take care of yourselves and I look forward to seeing you all when this passes.

Book reports due by 4/10.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Stay healthy and enjoy the break!

If you have missing assignments...take advantage to get some made up...

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

John Adams Eval due Friday
pg. 113 was due today

Finish preparations for Pirate game
Turned in Articles of Agreement worksheet

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Workbook pg. 113

Finish "Articles of Agreement" and Phase 1 of "Anarrghchy"

Monday, March 9, 2020

John Adams Evaluation due Friday 3/13


Monday, March 2, 2020